Hixson-Lied Faculty, Staff Awards announced

Congratulations to the three Hixson-Lied staff members receiving awards! (read full article)

Outstanding Staff Award

Megan McMasters, Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts

The Outstanding Staff Award is given to a staff member whose overall performance has regularly and consistently exceeded expectations and has reflected a high level of service throughout their years of service. McMasters is Director of Operations for the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts. Her nominator wrote, "I say with utmost conviction that I am surprised repeatedly by all that she oversees, manages and executes—she truly does it all. Her dependability and commitment to serving our students is integral to us all here."

Staff Award for Exemplary Service

Cameron Shoemaker, Glenn Korff School of Music

The Staff Award for Exemplary Service is given to a staff member who has demonstrated exemplary service to the college or academic unit over the preceding 12-month calendar year. Shoemaker is Sound Recording/IT Associate for the Glenn Korff School of Music. His nominator wrote, "Cameron's expertise is indispensable with approximately 250 events to manage each school year. His exemplary service, dedication and innovative contributions significantly enhance the operations and efficiency of the Glenn Korff School of Music. He embodies the spirit of excellence."

M.V.P. Award:

Benjamin Sobel, Glenn Korff School of Music

The M.V.P. Award is given to staff members who have provided support to the college or academic unit behind the scenes. Sobel is Enrollment Coordinator for the Glenn Korff School of Music. His nominator wrote, "Ben's position requires the ability to balance an incredible number of tasks, the impact of which is felt by every student, graduate assistant, staff member, and faculty member in the building. He has taken on these multiple roles with enthusiasm, always seeking to learn from each interaction."