Attendance & Work Schedule

for Hourly Employees

Read the policy:  Work Schedules in the University of Nebraska Administration Human Resources Handbook for Policies.

Attendance Policy

Employment positions at UNL have been evaluated and designed so that the duties are commensurate with the FTE. That is, a 1.00 FTE position provides tasks and responsibilities that will completely occupy a full-time employee while at work. Therefore, attendance at work must be reliable, predictable, regular, and prompt. Such attendance is essential to the performance of any UNL position.

Notwithstanding the leave benefits offered to UNL employees, unpredictable attendance, habitual tardiness, and absenteeism are considerations in the evaluation of performance and are cause for corrective action up to and including dismissal.

Unpredictable attendance is particularly detrimental to planning and organizational efficiency and employee morale. As such, employees must notify supervisors of requested leave as promptly as possible.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevail over requirements of state and federal law.

Work Schedule

An employee will be informed of work schedules by the immediate supervisor. 

Business Hours

Normal work hours at the university are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Pay period (workweek)

The pay period for hourly employees begins at 11:01 p.m. Thursday and continues through 11:00 p.m. the following Thursday. 

Lunch Break

Work schedules for hourly paid staff normally include an unpaid lunch break of at least 30 minutes.

Rest Period

Work schedules provide for one paid 15-minute rest period for each consecutive four hours worked. At departmental discretion other employees may receive rest breaks. If conditions warrant, employees may be asked to work through the normally scheduled rest period. At such times employee cooperation is expected. 

Rest periods are an employment privilege. Rest periods may not be "saved" to shorten the employee's workday, to extend lunch breaks, or to alter the work schedule in any way. Rest periods not taken will be forfeited. Abuse of rest periods may result in loss of the privilege.

All hours worked in overtime status shall be compensated in accordance with the regulations governing the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for non-exempt employees. (See Overtime for Hourly Paid Employees)