Get Involved & Connect

There are many ways for you to get involved in making a difference on campus. Consider joining one of these groups or committees. There are also lots of opportunities for involvement to learn more for yourself. 

Build Campus Networks

University of Nebraska Office Personnel Association


Provides seminars and workshops that promote professional development and high professional standards for educational office personnel with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Programs are usually held once per month during the academic year.


Academic Advising Association


The Academic Advising Association (AAA) is home to a variety of student services professionals on the university's campus. The organization exists to bring staff and faculty advisors and student services professionals together to focus on best practices, enhance professional development opportunities, and advocate for the needs of our community.


First Generation Nebraska


First Generation Nebraska helps level the playing field by connecting first-generation students to mentoring, resources, and opportunities they need to make the most of their college experience. Faculty and staff who were first-generation college students themselves or who wish to serve as advocates for first-generation students are invited to participate.


Get Involved with Campus Governance

Staff Senate

An advisory body on issues, institutional policies, and practices that relate to the staff, to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas, to promote common interests among the staff, to advocate for staff welfare and development, to suggest revisions and initiatives to improve staff policies, and to participate in the formulation of institutional policy and governance.

Staff Senate

Faculty Senate

The governing agency for dealing with matters of interest to more than one college and acts as the official voice of the faculty of the university. The Faculty Senate also advises and consults with student, staff, and administrative groups on matters of general concern which include, but are not necessarily limited to, the budget, institutional planning, library and computer operations, student academic conduct in the classroom, and the selection of academic-administrative personnel.

Faculty Senate

Chancellor's Commission

Status of People of Color


Advises the chancellor on issues pertaining to the specific concerns of faculty, staff and students who are people of color at the university.



Environment, Sustainability and Resilience Commission


Provides strategic recommendations and ongoing advice to the Chancellor related to the environmental, social, and economic well-being of campus and its stakeholders. The CESRC promotes the socially responsible stewardship of resources and the creation of resilient systems that are adaptable and recoverable to short- and long-term environmental and technological changes.



University Safety Committee


Develop, review, and maintain lines of safety communication with the purpose of engaging the campus community, by encouraging all to recognize and report "near misses" or potentially unsafe practices with this information to be used for educational purposes university wide.


Chancellor's Commission

Prevent Sexual Misconduct

The commission is a campus wide coalition charged with the role of expanding efforts to improve education, training, and policy development to address sexual misconduct.

Prevent Sexual Misconduct

Chancellor's Commission

Status of Women


The purpose is to enhance the status of all women at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, by advising the Chancellor on issues pertaining to gender equity and on specific concerns of women faculty, staff and students at the university.


Chancellor’s Commission

Status of Gender and Sexual Identities


The general purpose of the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual identities is to enhance the status of LGBTQA+ identified people at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln.


Participate in Campus Events


Learning groups offer a space to talk candidly about inclusive excellence as a part of our everyday interactions. These small groups are intended to develop relationships in concentrated areas of introspection over a semester to help understand and embrace the opportunities we have to create a greater sense of inclusion for all. 


Husker Dialogues

Conversation Guide

Faculty, staff and returning student conversation guides are the foundation of the Husker Dialogue experience. Each guide is responsible for setting the tone for the small group discussion.

Learn more

University Libraries

Genealogy Over Lunch

Open to all employees

The group meets the third Thursday of each month during the fall and spring semesters. The group of more than two dozen faculty, staff, emeriti and retirees dive into a topic with a presenter and then discuss their latest roadblocks, successes and tips for searching.

Learn more