Risk Management serves to safeguard resources of the University. By implementing strategies such as self-insurance and commercial insurance, as well as best practices for University-sponsored events, Risk Management partners with faculty and staff to assist them as we all work to protect and conserve the University’s assets.
408 Canfield Administration Building South (ADMS)
501 N 14th St
Lincoln, NE 68588-0436
📞 402-472-6880
📠 402-472-6803 (fax)
Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation covers all employees of the university, including student workers. The coverage is for injuries arising out of and in the course of a person's employment. Work-related accidents and injuries should be reported to the Risk Management Office immediately.
Forms to be completed and more information
Certificate of Insurance for Facilities Use
Any outside group or entity that is using university property or facilities must provide a Certificate of Insurance with general liability limits of at least $1,000,000 with a $3,000,000 general aggregate (sporting events to include participant liability of $1,000,000 with $3,000,000 general aggregate) naming the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska as additional insured. The Certificate of Insurance must be sent to riskmanagement@unl.edu for approval at least 30 days prior to the event.
If you are with the university and have been asked to give a Certificate of Insurance, please fill out the request below.
Insurance Certificate RequestIncident Report
for faculty, staff, students, or guests
Anyone on campus (faculty, staff, students, or guests) may experience an incident that results in personal injury and/or property damage. It is important that you tell a university representative about it as soon as possible. Complete the proper Injury Property Damage Report below and send it to Risk Management at riskmanagement@unl.edu. You will be notified when it is received.

Automobile Coverage
The University of Nebraska has liability coverage on all university vehicles used for university business. Refer to the policy for Driving & Motor Vehicles for detailed information.

Student Trip Insurance
Student Trip Insurance provides protection in the event of an accident. All University of Nebraska Students are required to have student trip insurance when traveling outside the city of Lincoln. Trips that are inside the city of Lincoln are not required to have Field Trip Insurance but are encouraged to do so. Requests are due at least three (3) days prior to the departure date
Limits of Coverage: Accidental Death $30,000; Accident Medical Expense $2,500; Aggregate Limit $500,000.
Student Field Trip Insurance Request
Certificate of Insurance for
Youth Safety
Non-university sponsoring organizations are required to have general liability coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate that names the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska as an additional insured. If it is an athletic activity, the general liability coverage must include participant liability in the amount of $1,000,000. Certificates of insurance must be sent to riskmanagement@unl.edu at least 30 days prior to the start of the activity for review. A non-university sponsored organization activity may not begin without certificate of insurance approval by the campus Risk Management.
University Youth Safety Policy
University Property
All property owned by the University is covered under a blanket property program that provides coverage at a replacement cost value. On any property loss the department will pay a deductible of $2,000. Property losses should be reported to the Risk Manager. The Risk Manager will administer property losses of under $500,000 and the property insurance carrier will administer losses above the $500,000.

Insurance Certificate Request
Certificate for Main Property Coverages, Builders Risk Coverages (use for any Builders Risk Project), Full Property Limits Coverage or leased equipment.
Request Form