Employees may apply for transfer to other positions on campus, or they may be appointed to positions on other University of Nebraska campuses (UNO, UNK, UNMC, and UNCA). Such appointments may be mutually beneficial by allowing the university to utilize the experience and abilities of its employees, and by providing a broad range of career development opportunities to individuals.

In external searches university employees use the same application procedure as do other applicants, and both will receive equal consideration from hiring departments. Salaries for transfer employees who meet or exceed minimum qualifications will not be less than the minimum advertised level.

Compensatory time must be used or paid prior to the effective date of the transfer. 

The university is not responsible for moving expenses incurred because of an employee's transfer to another position.


Employees under current corrective counseling, or those whose performance is documented as below satisfactory, are not eligible to apply for transfer.

Regular to Temporary

An employee transferring from a regular appointment to a temporary appointment will continue to be eligible for all benefits received in the regular appointment, except for tuition remission, administrative leave, funeral leave, holiday pay or university contributions to retirement. Unused vacation leave shall be paid out to an employee prior to separation or transfer to a temporary appointment. If the full-time equivalent (FTE) of the temporary appointment is more than the regular appointment, then an increase in benefits will occur. Benefits are prorated for employees working less than full-time. If a break in service occurs, employees will be eligible for benefits as described above only if the temporary appointment begins within the same calendar month in which separation occurs.

Probationary Period

An employee in the six-month original probationary period may not apply for positions outside the department. When circumstances warrant, Human Resources may work with the employee and the department to enable the employee to apply for other positions before the six-month probationary period is completed. If the employee is appointed to a different position, the original probationary period will begin anew.

An employee in the six-month original probationary period may be appointed to a different position within the same department, and probation will not begin anew.

An employee who transfers within the university must spend at least six months in the new position before becoming eligible to apply for positions outside the department. When circumstances warrant, Human Resources may work with the employee and the department to enable the employee to apply for other positions before completion of the six-month period.

Assuming there is no break in employment, an employee serves only one original probationary period. A transfer employee who has completed original probation has all privileges of a regular employee.

Vacation and Sick Leave Accrual for Transfer Employees

Employees transferring from one university position to another will transfer sick leave and vacation leave balances to their new positions.

Employees transferring from office/service to managerial/professional positions or vice versa will begin accruing at the new rate on the effective date of transfer. For accrual purposes years of service will be transferred to the new position.

Vacation and Sick Leave for employees moving within the Lincoln campus or coming to the Lincoln campus from another University of Nebraska campus, another Nebraska state college, or Nebraska state government agency:

For employees appointed to positions at university within three years (Effective September 1, 2001) after leaving another University of Nebraska campus, other Nebraska state colleges, or Nebraska state government agencies:

  • Sick leave balances will be assigned to the university position.
  • Years of service will be restored for purposes of accruing vacation and sick leave.

For employees appointed to positions at the Lincoln campus after moving within the campus or another University of Nebraska campus within 12 months:

  • All leave balances will be assigned to the university position
  • Years of service will be maintained for purposes of accruing vacation and sick leave

To transfer leave balances and years of service, an employee must provide the department with a letter from the previous employer documenting dates of employment.