Finalize the search

Closing a Search

Once you have extended an offer of employment to an applicant and the applicant has accepted, you will need to close the search.

Steps for Closing a Search

Notify unsuccessful candidates

When the offer is accepted in writing, all other applicants should be informed that the position has been filled. The hiring unit is responsible for notifying the unsuccessful candidates either through PeopleAdmin email, or by sending a letter to unsuccessful candidates found in SAPPHIRE.

New Hire Documentation

You will complete the following and submit it to the unit Business Office for processing found in SAPPHIRE

  • Personnel Action Form (PAF)
  • Personnel Data Form (PDF)
  • Copies of Letter of Offer and signed acceptance
  • I-9 Form
  • E-Verify
  • Direct Deposit Form
  • W-4 Form
  • Overtime Authorization Agreement (hourly paid employees)

We will prepare and mail a letter to the new employee (copy also to hiring unit) confirming position title, salary, and effective employment date.

Additional new hire information is available on the Employee Onboarding pages.

Application Records Retention

All materials pertaining to the recruitment process must be maintained within the hiring unit's official files according to the University Application Records Retention Policy. These materials will be important in the event the unit has to respond to any legal action or inquiry in connection with the hiring process. 

Successful Candidate:  The successful candidate's recruitment and selection materials must be kept in their personnel file.

Unsuccessful Candidates:  All recruitment and selection materials, including electronic and paper document including applications, interview notes, applicant flow log, search committee discussion notes, reference checks, criminal background checks, etc. must be kept in the hiring unit's recruitment and selection files for the applicable requisition.