The orientation phase of employee onboarding occurs during the first day or week that new hires formally enter the workplace. During this period, you provide a comprehensive introduction to the department/unit and university, including values, mission, and culture.

Share essential information regarding  policies, procedures, and compliance requirements so new hires clearly understand the work environment.

It’s also common to introduce new employees to key personnel, tour the facilities, and provide insights into the team and individual roles. The orientation phase aims to acclimate individuals to the organizational structure, instill a sense of belonging, and foster connections with colleagues. By offering a structured and informative initiation, you directly contribute to employee morale and confidence.

Welcome your new hire to campus

  • Greet and show new hire to their office space/meeting area
  • Show them where to put personal items - coat, lunch, etc.
  • Go over agenda for the day so they know what to expect
  • An organizational chart and how your job fits in the department, and how the job and department contribute to the unit, business area and the university
  • Tour of office building, lab, shop, workplace
  • department or building-specific safety and emergency information. (who is the building manager to report problems to, tornado safety, emergency exits and meeting area)
  • Meet co-workers (official or unofficial welcome)
  • Show location of break room, kitchen, restrooms, supply room, printer/copier, etc.
  • Pick up their NCard
  • building or workspace access

Establish expectations

  • Hours of work, unit practices for overtime and university policies for flexible work, vacation and sick leave, holidays, etc.
  • Time entry procedures, including time off and unexpected absences procedures. (Firefly, Understand Your Sick & Vacation Leave, pay schedule).
  • Payroll schedule info
  • Ideal means of communication.
  • Workplace norms and behavior.
  • Goal setting, mid-year check-in and performance review processes
  • Recurring on-on-one and department meetings. Add your employee to any relevant lists and meetings, and/or provide them with the lists and meetings they need to sign up for
  • Review the process related to the probationary period (if applicable).
  • Contacts to ask for additional information.
  • Mark university holidays and shutdown dates* on their calendar. Let them know that living in Nebraska also means the possibility of inclement weather and the possibility of the closure of the university (see Inclement weather closure pay policy). How to use UNL Alert

*If your employee begins work after designated floating holidays, provide options available to fill the unaccrued time during closedown.

Make them aware of safety on campus