Current Employees

man in bio chem lab

Understand Your Sick & Vacation Leave

All regular employees of the University of Nebraska begin to accrue vacation and sick leave on their date of hire. You are eligible to use this leave as soon as it has accrued.  Leave Accrual Table

Holidays & Paydays

Paid Holidays

View the holidays recognized by the university and all university-wide closedown dates.

Second Jobs / Outside Professional Activity

Conflict of Interest / Conflict of Commitment (COI/COC)

University employees are not prohibited from holding a second job outside the university or running a personal business, provided it does not impact job performance in their university position. Employees are encouraged to engage in outside professional activities with industry and other external entities. 

The university recognizes that an employee’s relationship with outside enterprises can give rise to opportunities for personal gain or financial advantage that may be at odds with the obligations the individual assumes as a university employee. A conflict of interest (COI) can occur when an employee has competing interests between their university role and their interests in outside entities, potentially introducing bias into their judgment, decisions, or actions at the university. Similarly, a conflict of commitment (COC) can occur when an employee uses university resources, such as their paid time, to complete outside work, potentially leading to subsidy of outside activities or employee failure to meet their university job expectations. 

As stewards of public funds and resources, it is critical for university employees to transparently disclose information regarding actual, potential, or perceived COIs/COCs. Disclosure allows your supervisor(s) and university compliance staff to fairly and independently determine if a conflict exists that requires some form of management. 

The University of Nebraska (NU) Executive Memorandum No. 36 requires the following individuals to complete a COI/COC Annual Disclosure form:

  • All full-time faculty, including those with nine-month appointments;
  • Managerial/professional staff and administrators;
  • Anyone who is responsible for the design, conduct, administration, or reporting of research;
  • Anyone with an outside professional activity involving a foreign government, quasi-government, institution, or other foreign entity (including businesses);
  • All employees who have been issued a university purchasing card;
  • All employees with delegated signature authority; and
  • Anyone who is otherwise directed to complete the disclosure form

Additionally, Adjunct Faculty, International Scholars, and/or Retired/Emeriti Faculty may need to complete an annual COI/COC Disclosure if they have an outside activity that could overlap with any UNL involvement and/or receive funding/support from a foreign government, quasi-government, institution, or other foreign entity (including businesses).

Disclosure is completed in the NuRamp system, utilizing your UNL TrueYou credentials.
NuRamp COI/COC Annual Disclosure Form

For more information and resources, refer to COI/COC Policy Updates.

Employee Policies & Practices

As an employee of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, you should become familiar with all personnel policies. The Employee Policies and Practices document does not cover every policy or procedure but rather it simply summarizes some of the key points each employee should understand.