How do I get services for a new employee in my department?In order to obtain services, the new employee must be entered in SAP. You should complete a PAF (Personnel Action Form) or ePAF as soon as you receive a verbal acceptance, even if this is months before the employee’s actual start date. As soon as the record is created in SAP, the employee record feeds to the Identity Management (IdM) system and provisioning of services begins.What is the quickest way to get services for a new employee?Services can be requested as soon as the employee record feeds from SAP to Identity Management (IdM). Ideally, the PAF should be completed as soon as the new employee verbally accepts the position so that services can be requested before the employee arrives on campus. This will allow them to access or set up services such as email, parking, Canvas, NCard, etc., allowing them to be productive from their first day of work. PLEASE NOTE: some services can take up to 24 hours to process.When can my new employee get their NCard?When the new employee is entered into SAP their NUID is created and this information is sent to the NCard System during overnight processing. Once you give the new employee their NUID number, they can complete the online NCard application. The following day, they can go to the NCard Office to pick up their NCard. If they did not submit a photo online, they can have their picture taken when they pick up the NCard. Employees need to present a government-issued ID to claim their NCard.When can my new employee get email?The employee's email will be assigned after their HR paperwork has been completed. Their email address will be their campus network I.D. (first initial, last name, and a number). E.g. Email can be accessed via the Web Portal, PC or Mac using Outlook, or Smartphone.How do I get door access for a new employee?Door access is managed by University Police. Contact them via email at or at 402-472-2222.How do I add a user to Canvas (Learning Management System)?Canvas accounts are created from the identity management system so once the PAF or ePAF is keyed, the record will flow to IdM and then to Canvas. Canvas access is dependent on the employee/volunteer/affiliate having an SAP record.Does a student’s appointment record in SAP impact services?The IdM System receives student information primarily from PeopleSoft/MyRed, but student employment records will amend that data with limited employment information. Door access is one specific service that can be enabled with a student worker appointment, when students are not actively enrolled in classes.My employee is active but their services ended. What happened?The Identity Management system requires not only that the employee be active but also that they have an active appointment. When the appointment ends, the services end, too. In order to bridge the gap between semesters for temporary faculty who are appointed for a term at a time, the department can enter a Keep Services Active Date (KSA).What is Keep Services Active?The Keep Services Active Date (KSA) allows an employee who does not have an active appointment to continue using UNL services until their next appointment is entered in SAP. For example, if a lecturer’s appointment ends in early May and they are teaching again in the fall, a KSA Date of 9/30 would continue their services until their fall appointment is keyed in SAP. This will prevent a break in services, such as email, Canvas, etc., until after the KSA has passed. The KSA Date should not be entered more than a year past the end of the last appointment.Do I need to do anything special when someone retires?Retirees are eligible for some services for life. The Retirement Date in SAP is used to feed an ongoing record in the identity management system. When the retiree dies and a Death Notification date is entered in SAP, the identity management record ends. Rules for each service are decided by the service provider so any questions on eligibility should be directed to the service provider.Do emeriti get services?Emeriti have an ongoing relationship with UNL until death and retain the rights and privileges associated with being a member of the faculty, including ongoing services at UNL. When the granting department completes the emeriti PAF, the faculty member changes to emeriti in the identity management system thereby allowing service providers to continue services.What are affiliates and volunteers?Affiliates and volunteers are individuals who need access to UNL services but are not paid by UNL. Examples of affiliates are external contractors working on campus and federal employees housed on campus. Volunteers run the gamut from museum docents to adjunct faculty. Affiliates and volunteers are entered into SAP via the Affiliate/Volunteer PAF and are fed to identity management so that necessary services can be provisioned. By definition, affiliates are not under direction of UNL staff, whereas volunteers are.